Tests & Diagnostic

Whether you want to get in better shape or reach a new level of physical capacity in order to play your sport or fully return to peak physical health after injury, the identification of your Physical Baseline is key.

Based on specific and a well-proven “Return to sport” test battery we develop a specific roadmap of results to reveal the weaknesses and strengths that apply to you – offering an often overlooked but essential tool to solve issues relating muscular dysbalances, neuromuscular blockades that often already caused or will cause issues regarding your health and performance.

In modern Physiotherapy you do not apply a treatment before testing, likewise, why should you do physical training without knowing what is needed the most? No one size fits all and all too often unguided planning leads to injury and an imbalanced body.

With my years of experience with physical training and modern physiotherapy, I strive to establish facts and lay out the framework before applying the solution – to maximize the positive output of your valuable time and the effort you put in your training.

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